3 "The time has come," the walrus said, "to talk of many things..."
1 Tis the season to be thankful!
Tis the season to be thankful!
6 I need help with a bright idea...
I need help with a bright idea...
2 Bunnies are looking for love just like the rest of us.
This is a handmade card I just made to send off to Kathy Davis Studios, a local greeting card design group (and yes, that's mistletoe headgear he's wearing). If I wasn't already taken, I'd totally smooch this little guy under the mistletoe. Speaking of bunnies, our rabbit Willie Nelson is on antibiotics for a foot injury and I have to give him oral meds twice a day. He lucked out with some kind of fruit-flavored medication and gets so excited to be cradled and have medicine time, it's so redonkulousy cute. Now that I'm married, I think my maternal instincts are supposed to kick in, but I just want to foster bunnies forever and leave the dirty diapered babies for someone else to clean up after hehe. That probably makes me a bad person, but if loving bunnies is bad, I don't want to be good!
Bunnies are looking for love just like the rest of us.
3 Christmas Time Is Here
I couldn't resist the Mrs. Claws costume at PetSmart, especially since it was half off.
That is one sassy lady.
Betty White hates having her photo taken, but I do it anyway.
Our Martha Stewart Christmas tree, with all of the wrapped goodies underneath.
I'm so excited for Christmas and eating Holiday Oreos nonstop in front of the fireplace. 11 days left & counting!
Christmas Time Is Here
1 6 quirky Shannonisms
Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Let your tagger know when your entry is up.
Here are my six non-important things/habits/quirks:
1.) When my hubby leaves to go to work in the morning, I still don't have to wake up for a few hours. Even though he always locks the door when he leaves to go to work, I am insanely obsessive compulsive and insist on staying awake until I hear the door close, so I can scurry up and double check that it's locked. I have no idea why I'm so paranoid about the door being unlocked because we live in a fairly safe neighborhood, but I can't fall asleep without knowing for sure that it's locked.
I'm going to be a rebel and ignore the rules about tagging fellow bloggers. Let me know if you post this on your own blog though!
6 quirky Shannonisms